
There are lots of ways to personally get connected into the work we do at PCN. Some of the on-going needs are listed below. However, we always welcome being contacted by people with special skills or abilities that may not fit any of the categories mentioned. To get involved and start changing lives, call our office at 937-778-8856 or email at volunteer@pcncares.org and we will work with you to find how you best fit into PCN.

    Assessment Center

    Become A Partner

    Churches or other need-meeting service organizations can become part of the Network by providing support in at least one of four ways:

      • Provide financial help to the Piqua Compassion Network.
      • Provide volunteers for staffing the Center or for actual service projects for those in need.
      • Material Goods. Several of our church partners distribute food, clothing or furniture. If you cannot find a place to make your donation, call PCN at 937-778-8856 and we can help you find a location.

    To get your church or organization involved as a partner in our network please contact PCN at 937-778-8856 or partner@pcncares.org

      Become a Partner
      The Piqua Compassion Network (PCN) exists to transform lives by providing Christian hope, education and basic needs assistance to Piqua area residents. We are committed to providing a hand up by empowering individuals to move forward from crisis and poverty.