Volunteer Today!
There are lots of ways to personally get connected into the work we do at PCN. Some of the on-going needs are listed below. However, we always welcome being contacted by people with special skills or abilities that may not fit any of the categories mentioned. To get involved and start changing lives, call our office at 937-778-8856 or email at volunteer@pcncares.org and we will work with you to find how you best fit into PCN.
Care Guides
Work with families to listen, to assess their assets and needs, to pray with them and to coordinate help using our available network of resources.
Provide mentoring of life and professional skills.
Office Staff
Greet families, answer phones, coordinate connections with Care Guides, provide general clerical and support for daily operations.

Steps To Change
A financial based program which includes 6 weeks of financial assessment, that will allow you to examine your use of available income and to help you better plan for the future.
Piqua Works!
A comprehensive jobs workshop designed to develop skills in order to gain and retain employment. The curriculum is based on investigating how personal choices may determine outcomes. The focus of the workshop is real-life preparation for being an acceptable, valued employee.
Fostering Stability
An extensive life skills training program designed to help provide a new beginning to young people that have aged out of the foster care system and those who are currently in the system up for adoption.

Celebrate Recovery
A faith-based, 12 step recovery program that offers hope and support. The 12 steps, along with the accompanying 8 principles, offer participants a clear path to hope, freedom, sobriety, healing and the opportunity to give back one day at a time.
Depression / Anxiety
Drug Addiction
Sexual Addiction
Sexual Abuse
Food Addiction
Compulsive Behaviors